Posts Tagged With: app

Chatty McChats alot

So, I have been messing around with instant messaging clients quite a bit lately.  I recently got a webcam, so that effects the way that I am looking at the chat clients a little more.

I have always been quite a fan of IM ever since the dial up days of AOL and being able to “talk” instantly to someone, usually at that time, I didn’t even know.  Since that time, I progressed to the AOL instant messenger desktop application once I went to college and didn’t need to use AOL to connect to the internet anymore.  (which partially explains some of my recent frustrations while I was at my parents house as I had had High Speed Internet since 1996)

Fast Forward to present day, well say like the past year.  Since I have been using gmail and google much more, mostly under the influence of my brother in law Greg, but also, independently I have realized that google has incredible things to offer.  I have messed around with the in browser chat and the desktop app gtalk.

Well now I have moved on to Digsby, as I have written about already, which does a wonderful job of incorporating all of the chat clients into one place as a desktop app.  It also holds your social networks (facebook, myspace, linkedin, and twitter), in one conventient place, which I choose to have in my startup menu where I can easily see my friends updates from any of those networks or update my status.

Digsby in start menu

Digsby in start menu

Which finally brings me to the point of my story.  I never have really used the yahoo chat client or the Microsoft one, but since I digsby incorporates those as well, and I do have logins for each of those, I decided to have digsby login for me.  I don’t know anyone who uses these and I am curious if you do how you like them.  Let me know.

I am sure that I have more to say on this topic and I think I may come back to it.

Categories: Communication, Instant Messaging, internet, thoughts | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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